Saturday 27th July 2024,
Post-Soviet Graffiti

Browsing the "Osh" Tag

PostSovietGraffiti Celebrates Its One-Year Birthday

Dear PostSovietGraffiti Family, It’s May Day again, which means that today is our one-year birthday. Can you believe it? This year went by so quickly. Together, we have grown this community from one that consisted of only our parents to [...]

May 2, 2012 Archives, Graffiti

After the Conflict in Osh

Much of the violent graffiti in Osh was blacked out after June’s ethnic cleansing to protect each area’s residents from further violence. It strikes me as interesting that the word “Kyrgyz” is written in the Kyrgyz language using a cyrillic [...]

April 17, 2011 Archives, Graffiti, Kyrgyzstan, Violence

Ethnic Conflict in Osh, Kyrgyzstan

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April 16, 2011 Archives, Graffiti, Kyrgyzstan, Post-Soviet, Violence