Saturday 27th July 2024,
Post-Soviet Graffiti

Browsing the "Tűzraktér" Tag

PostSovietGraffiti Celebrates Its One-Year Birthday

Dear PostSovietGraffiti Family, It’s May Day again, which means that today is our one-year birthday. Can you believe it? This year went by so quickly. Together, we have grown this community from one that consisted of only our parents to [...]

May 2, 2012 Archives, Graffiti
Hungary’s Downward Spiral

Hungary’s Downward Spiral

  Visitor to Tűzraktér: “In my country, this is normal.”  Bolla Zoltán: “What country do you come from?” Visitor: “Belarus.”   In 2011, the International Cultural Carnival of Berlin bestowed the highest Culturefest honor onto Tűzraktér, Hungary’s largest, independent artist collective. The Mayor [...]

January 19, 2012 Archives, Graffiti