Tuesday 11th February 2025,
Post-Soviet Graffiti

Exhibition and Sale: “Let My People Go: The Soviet Jewry Movement 1967-1989”


Belarus! Russia! Hungary! Latvia! Poland! Ukraine! The Czech Republic!

Come to see, hear, read, speak, and learn about alternative avenues of expression and public dissent culture in the post-Soviet region.

From 8 June through 25 July. At Detroit’s Janice Charach Gallery, Post-Soviet Graffiti will exhibit stories of free speech in authoritarian states through 30 original fieldwork photographs from the post-Soviet region.

View the exhibition invitation by clicking on the graphic below:

And there’s more!

Alexis Zimberg, Director of Post-Soviet Graffiti, will give a public lecture on alternative avenues of expression and the circumvention of oppression in censored states. She will share stories from her own fieldwork and ways that we, in free and uncensored states, can use our collective voice to lend a hand.

June 20th at 7 PM at the Janice Charach Gallery. Light refreshments to follow.

All art showing in the gallery will be on sale for the duration of this exhibition.

>>PLUS<< Zimberg’s new book, titled “Post-Soviet Graffiti: Free Speech in the Streets,” goes on pre-sale at the lecture on June 20th.

Zimberg Speaking at Washington D.C.'s Prestigous Cosmos Club in April 2013

Zimberg Speaking at Washington D.C.’s Prestigous Cosmos Club in April 2013

Revolutions and riot police. Closed-door interviews with street artists and ambassadors. International travel. It’s been a blessing and an ongoing adventure.

Thank you for your support as Post-Soviet Graffiti continues to grow.

I’ll see you at the gallery!

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