Thursday 16th January 2025,
Post-Soviet Graffiti

PostSovietGraffiti on Russia’s Presidential Election

“Modernization or Death! Group of Change.”  August 2011. Saint Petersburg, Russia. (Photo: Alexis Zimberg).

Thanks for tuning in to We are thrilled to be in Moscow, conducting follow-up field work during Russia’s Presidential Election.

We have lots of questions: Will Moscow’s walls reflect the recent upsurge in Russian political activism? Will artists apply carnivalesque themes — bringing down the King while elevating the everyman — to their public aesthetics? Or will artists and activists forego alternative avenues of expression (street art, toy protests, anti-state YouTube chants, Pussy Riot) in the name of classic, physical street demonstrations? How might the weather impact street art and public dissent (it is winter in Russia after all)?

Please subscribe to the blog, stay tuned, and we’ll keep you updated with videos, interview reviews, and – of course – lots of graffiti pics.

You can also follow us during the election on Twitter by clicking here:
Follow @PostSovietGraf

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  1. Ashley March 1, 2012 at 11:48 am

    So excited for you! What an incredible experience. Can’t wait to see what you come up with. Love you lots and lots and lots!

  2. Debbie Fixler March 3, 2012 at 3:22 pm

    Another exciting adventure.Can’t wait to see all the information you gather!
    Be safe.Love you!

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