Tuesday 11th February 2025,
Post-Soviet Graffiti

Browsing the "Event" Tag


Exhibition and Sale: “Let My People Go: The Soviet Jewry Movement 1967-1989”

Belarus! Russia! Hungary! Latvia! Poland! Ukraine! The Czech Republic! Come to see, hear, read, speak, and learn about alternative avenues of expression and public dissent culture in the post-Soviet region. From 8 June through 25 July. At Detroit’s Janice Charach Gallery, Post-Soviet Graffiti [...]

June 13, 2013 The Street

Cinema Tov: Detroit Jewish Film Lab Presents “Laughing in the Darkness”

Introducing Post-Soviet Graffiti’s Latest Project… Cinema Tov: Detroit Jewish Film Lab Presents: “Laughing in the Darkness” Followed by Music and Musings on Jewish and Yiddish Identity by Dan Kahn (of Dan Kahn and the Painted Bird)     For more information: [...]

March 18, 2013 Events, Uncategorized